

Kannou Jikan II ~Fukai Kiri ni Tsutsumareta Kojou~
Company: Hituzigumo
Based on: Original
Released: 2010.12.15
Website: http://hituzigumo.com/lineup/gumo-0006
Kannou Jikan is a CD series that uses semi-hypnosis and somewhat suggestive wording for your listening pleasure. This is the second CD in the series and Midorikawa Hikaru is the one entertaining us this time.

Overkill Overkill Overkill is all that I could think after listening to this. The first Kannou Jikan started far more subtle, where as this one brings you down from the start.

There is not much to be said about this, they've taken a step up from the first volume as far as the suggestiveness is concerned, and feels like that is the sole focus of this CD. But to give at least some information, Midorin does the part of your butler, who wishes nothing more than to please you. Apparently you can't walk by the way, but nothing that a little hypnosis can't cure. All of this of course have nothing to do with the actual purpose of the CD; to deliver as much smut as possible.

Pure overkill delivered by Midorin his sexy voice combined with wording that can't even be called suggestive anymore - it's just plain smex, right there. I liked the first one better. It was far more subtle, had better pacing, better wording. If you feel like suicide by nosebleed however, look no further...

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